Friday, July 2, 2010

Solstice and Glacier Jam

We finally got to burn some logs!

For the summer solstice we camped at Captain Cook State Park on the western part of the Kenai Peninsula. We had a gorgeous view as the sun crept behind the mountains for only a few hours during the night.

A great shot of Mount Redoubt across the Cook Inlet. This active volcano erupted in 2009 covering places as far away as Anchorage with ash and debris. It soars from sea level to over 10,000 feet. Whoa!

Aboard the MV Ptarmigan cruising Portage Lake to check out the glacier. We attended a benefit for the Girdwood Arts and received food and drinks. Here Chris is enjoying some hippie sax jams while loading up on cured meats and veggies.

In front of the Portage Glacier.

Have a wonderful Independence Day everyone! We love and miss you all!
Karyn and Chris.

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