Sunday, June 6, 2010

1st photo: Karyn, Tim, and Burke at Smalley's Bar in Minneapolis. First stop.Holy smokes! This is the 3rd time we tried to put photos on the interwebs... and it worked!
2nd photo: Chris below the marquee in Detroit... err, I mean, Fargo, ND.
3rd photo: The plains of Manitoba... I think I can see Michigan from here.
4th photo: This at the former nun's house in Saskatoon, SK. Apparently Jesus endorses tattooing.
5th photo: Chris and our Polish host in a convent turned bed and breakfast in Edmonton. She is beaming about her seven foot tall cacti/cactuses. (Chris wants to abolish plural i, but Karyn looooves it.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha! You are alive! Keep updating!

    (blogging side note - if you center your photos and return after each "photo title" you should be able to drag your photos into the right place so your titles are near them)
