Thursday, June 17, 2010


SO folks here are some updates:

We had a great time at the hostel in Whitehorse. One of our favorite people, Mathias from Germany, was quite the drunken joker. After a few glasses of rum he loosened up and asserted that, “you guys invented za hot dog.”

We furrowed our brows, “You mean us, personally?”

He peered at us through his one good eye and, like an iguana, the other eye was doing its own thing. “No, Chicago invented ze hot dog. Chicago is ze best,” he responded in a slurred German accent.

“No, Mathias you invented the hot dog. You are from Frankfurt, Germany. You know, Frankfurter, it’s in the name of your hometown,” we laughed.

“Chicago is ze best. I love Chicago. Big Mac for lunch, pan pizza for dinner, hot dog for breakfast.”

Now that is a delicious day in America.

The next day we encountered Mathias again. Outside the hostel, he trapped Karyn in conversation about global climate change. In an attempt to describe, “vhat ve are doing to ze oceans” he said, “de fishes, ehh… vhat is it ven dey are together?… Tom Hanks.”

A grouping of fish is now officially called a Tom Hanks.

Later, we went to the Yukon Brewing Company. The brewmaster was a retired chemical engineer so you know the concoctions had to be tasty. We had the privilege of meeting a fellow Michigander named Jack. He was quite a hoot. He stood 5’4” dressed in cowboy boots, fishing vest and mighty handlebar mustache.

As another patron entered the brewery carrying two growlers in hand, Jack approached him.

“Tink Tink” He tapped the growler. “You gonna fill them up?” Jack was bent over at eye level with the growler, looking up.

The man with the growlers stared down at him, dumbfounded.

We heart Jack.

Skagway, AK - at some point in history - up and left Disney World. Besides the inescapable tourism (every cruise ship stops there) there was a reality show being filmed. The objective is to hike from Skagway, AK to Dawson City, YT (over 400 miles) in the Klondike rush period clothing and equipment. They were from Quebec so it makes sense. Those Peppers are ridiculous. We wanted to continue south either to Juneau (by ferry) or Glacier Bay National Park (by plane) because our van can’t drive on water or fly... yet. We missed the only ferry at noon and waited for hours in hope that the clouds would part and allow us enough visibility to actually see the glaciers. In preparation for the bumpy ride in the Bush Hawk X-P Karyn decided to take Dramamine. Well, by 3pm our shrinking patience with the weather and our growing disillusionment with the excessive tourism reached the point in which we needed to leave. Karyn immediately passed out from the drug and as a final added insult the pilot called us at 5pm and said that the weather had improved. Unfortunately for us we were two hours north in Whitehorse. Waht-wahhhhhh.

This giant beaver can do a pretty perfect impression of Karyn.

Beez Kneez Bakpakers Hostel, Whitehorse, YT. The VW bus to the left is where we slept. Showing my support for the homeland.

Dinner: Tofurky Dogs and Yukon Beer.

We met this Karyn on the way to Skagway, AK.

We found it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week Two

Yeppers, everything looks good.

A graphic portrayal of what happens when you hit one of the big guys pictured below.

Hey buddy.

Tasty Toad River Pine Trees.

Most common view from inside the tent. Brrrrrrr!

Hope everyone is doing well. Love, Kababbitt

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photos and photos

Jasper National Park, AB. It was like a playground.
Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park. What postcards are made from!
The black bear that came up about 10 yards away and terrified Karyn. (we were originally out of the car)
"Mile Zero" of the Alaskan Highway. We survived the first week!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

1st photo: Karyn, Tim, and Burke at Smalley's Bar in Minneapolis. First stop.Holy smokes! This is the 3rd time we tried to put photos on the interwebs... and it worked!
2nd photo: Chris below the marquee in Detroit... err, I mean, Fargo, ND.
3rd photo: The plains of Manitoba... I think I can see Michigan from here.
4th photo: This at the former nun's house in Saskatoon, SK. Apparently Jesus endorses tattooing.
5th photo: Chris and our Polish host in a convent turned bed and breakfast in Edmonton. She is beaming about her seven foot tall cacti/cactuses. (Chris wants to abolish plural i, but Karyn looooves it.)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Greetings friends and family!
We are currently in Whitehorse, YT staying in a renovated VW van at the Beez Kneez hostel. To arrive here we journeyed through (* denotes places we slept): Minneapolis, MN*; Fargo, ND; St. Malo Provincial Park, MB*; Winnipeg, MB; Good Spirit Provincial Park, SK*; Saskatoon, SK*; Edmonton, AB*; Jasper National Park, AB*; Dawson Creek, BC*; Toad River, BC*; Dawson Peak Resort (Teslin, YT)* [if you have the time you should read some info about the owner of this place - built the entire place with his bare hands - no tools! ha]; and we stayed in Whitehorse, YT last night and will again tonight. From here we will head south into Alaska to Skagway and possibly Haines, Juneau, and Glacier Bay. And from there it is back north along the Klondike Loop to Dawson City, YT into Alaska through Chicken, AK, to Tok, AK, and onto Fairbanks, AK.
It has been quite a lot of driving but the scenery, people, and experience has been great. We stayed with a former nun (probably) in Saskatoon, a friendly, Polish family in a large home that was once a convent, and we have encountered numerous, silly Canucks along the way. We unwittingly ostracized ourselves at the Hostel-International in Jasper National Park by bringing our Cup-O-Soups and bread onto the backyard deck whilst a black bear was 20 yards away. The hostel employee turned and with a tone of disgust and bewilderment she sternly said, in her thick Canadian accent, "uh guys, no food around the bears." As the onlookers laughed we walked back inside with our tails between our legs.
Maybe some photos soon. I hope all of you are having an exciting summer. More updates to come. Over and out.

Chris and Karyn