Monday, August 2, 2010

Farewell to AK...

After McCarthy and Kennicott we headed out of interior Alaska and down the Haines highway. A spectacular drive (despite the fact that we almost ran out of gas... ha!) and a fun port town to visit.

Fantastic Mr...

Upon leaving Alaska we cruised through British Columbia and camped at Kinaskan Lake. We decided to do some fishing and of course we got the lure stuck on some rocks. So Chris put on his trunks and waded out into the frigid water. Ya can't let a four dollar lure go to waste!

Near the end of the Cassiar Highway in BC is a short side route to Hyder, AK. This was our final stop in Alaska. This amazing photo is of Bear Glacier en route to Hyder.

After leaving Hyder we cruised east through BC and onto Okanagan Lake where we spotted Ogopogo the 'lake demon'.

We are currently in Victor, Idaho and will be visiting a few more spots before arriving home by the end of the week. The final batch of photos when we return. We hope everyone is having a great summer and we will see you all soon!

More Alaskan Travels

So this post is in reverse chronological order. Whoops. But if you couldn't already tell we are still blogilogically challenged. Anyway, these two photos are of the Kennecott Copper Mine in Kennicott, Alaska. Yes, the copper mine owners erred in their spelling of the mining companies name. This building is 13 stories tall and around 100 years old. We walked the 5 miles down the McCarthy Road to reach the mine and then took a nice bus ride back.

Another fantastic shot of the enormous structure.

In order to reach McCarthy, AK we had to drive down 60 miles of unpaved road crossing two one lane bridges as well as avoiding railroad spikes and sharp stones. This exciting drive culminated at the Kennicott River where a foot bridge allowed for access to the small town of McCarthy. This is located in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve, which is 13 million acres in size (twice the size of Denali.) We loved McCarthy and Kennicott and we even saw a black bear cross our path while we were walking!

Amazing, two-legged Worthington Glacier viewed on our day trip to Valdez, AK.

Sarah, Chris, and Lindsay (with Karyn behind the camera :)) at the Exit Glacier in Seward, AK. Sarah and Lindsay flew to Alaska and we all got to hang out in Seward for a few days. We had a total blast!!